uploads/cut and thrust.jpg

cut and thrust 劈刺;肉搏;激戰;激烈爭吵。

cut number

Near the tip , the reflection area of the apple seed geometry spread out and gave way to the flat grind surface , forming a very sharp tip dedicated to delicate cuts and thrusts . in addition , the guard of the sword was both practical and ergonomic 而近劍尖處,原本兩個鋒口上的反光集區漸漸地平均化起來,顯示出那里的橫切面為平面式,造成更尖的鋒口和劍尖,可以用在小巧的刺與割上。

That s my masterpiece . i made it , as well as this larger knife , out of an old iron candlestick . “ the penknife was sharp and keen as a razor ; as for the other knife , it would serve a double purpose , and with it one could cut and thrust 這是我的杰作,也是我自制的,這把刀是用舊的鐵蠟燭臺做的, ”那削筆刀鋒利得象一把剃刀,它有兩種用處,可以當匕首用,也可以當小刀用。

You both seem to lack the lusty cut and thrust and the humour a good marriage needs 正常的婚姻中有幽默,也有爭吵,而這些似乎正是你們倆的生活中所沒有的。

Harry truman thrived on the cut and thrust of politics 哈里?杜魯門是靠政治上短兵相接起家的。

Harry truman thrived on the cut and thrust of politics . 哈里杜魯門是靠政治上短兵相接起家的。